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Læse / skrive IHC timer værdi i OpenHAB




Er der nogen som har erfaring med at læse og skrive IHC timer værdier fra OpenHAB?

Som jeg forstår Binding beskrivelse burde det være muligt, men jeg kan ikke rigtig få det til at virke, muligvis fordi jeg formaterer Item'et forkert.

Jeg vil gerne kunne sætte / ændre en IHC timerværdi fra OpenHAB af.

På forhånd tak.

Hilsner Ole. 


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7 minutter siden, Kandersen skrev:

jeg vil tro den skal defineres som en NUMBER

Det skal den i følge dokumentationen, så det har jeg gjort. ;-)  


Mit item er defineret således:

Number U_TimerVand                        "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"                            <time>            {ihc="<0x1102410"}

Hvis jeg udlæser U_TimerVand via sitemap, er den 0, uanset timeren er under nedtælling eller ej.


Jeg spekulerer lidt i, om IHC typen Time er den rette at bruge. Der er jo også typen med benævnelsen TimerTid, uden jeg er helt skarp på funktion og forskel.



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Timer mener jeg er din timer som du sætter i gang med at tælle.. hvis du vil have samme timer til at bruge forskellige tider opretter du timertid.

Timertid flytter du så over i din timer før du starter den.

Så kan godt være du skal forbinde en timertid til openhab og så loade timertid i timeren før du starter den.

Men godt nok ikke noget jeg selv har prøvet endnu....


Mvh Danni..

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24 minutter siden, Danni k skrev:

Så kan godt være du skal forbinde en timertid til openhab og så loade timertid i timeren før du starter den.

@Danni k det tror jeg du har ret i, var ved at teste på det i går aftes, men det blev sengetid. Jeg laver lige en opdatering her, når jeg (forhåbentlig) kommer i mål. :-)


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En lille opdatering på denne her.

Jeg har modificeret min IHC funktionsblok, således at jeg gør brug af "Timertid" i stedet for "Timer". Det vil sige når jeg trigger timeren, starter jeg med at overføre timertid, så det er værdien af denne timeren gør brug af.

På ‎22‎-‎06‎-‎2018 at 14:52 , Ole skrev:

Hvis jeg udlæser U_TimerVand via sitemap, er den 0, uanset timeren er under nedtælling eller ej.

En lille korrektion, modsat som jeg skrev i en tidligere post, selv om jeg synes det var min erfaring, så sker der nedtælling på mit item, når timeren trigges.

Udlæser jeg ligeledes mit "IHC Timertid" item via sitemap, er værdien her den der er angivet i controlleren, eksempelvis 00:00:10:000 vises som 10000. Min oplevelse er, at hvis jeg overskriver denne værdi i OpenHAB, er det den nye værdi item'et får og dermed det der vises på mit sitemap, men kigger jeg i ServiceView overskrives værdien ikke i IHC controlleren. Retter jeg Timertid værdien via ServiceView, opdateres mit item i OpenHAB med den nye værdi. 

Så det er altså ikke lykkedes mig at kontrollere timertiden fra OpenHAB af.

@EjvindHald, må jeg spørge dig om du har erfaringer med at kontrollere timertider i IHC controlleren via OpenHAB.

Jeg overvejer at kaste mig over Paulis opdaterede IHC binding for at finde ud af om der er mere held ved det.

Hilsner Ole. 


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42 minutter siden, EjvindHald skrev:

Nej, det har jeg ikke prøvet. Men måske @Pauli Anttila ved det.

@Pauli Anttila Can I ask you, if it should be possible to control "IHC Timertid" values from OpenHAB via your version 1 binding? My experience is, that changes made to the tag in the IHC controller updates the item value in OpenHAB, but changes made to item in OpenHAB does not update the "IHC Timertid" tag in the controller. Hope it make sense what I'm trying to achieve.

Best regards Ole. 

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Some reason Google translator translate pretty "bad" english, so it's pretty hard to fully understand what you try to reach on your example.

Anyhow, following configuration is read only from openHAB perpective, meaning that only timer value change in IHC is updated to openHAB item.

Number U_TimerVand                        "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"                            <time>            {ihc="<0x1102410"}

So if you change the U_TimerVand item value, it will not be updated to IHC. When every timer value is changed in IHC side (timer is running or you change it via service view), value is updated to openHAB item.

Timers are in millisecond resolution in IHC, so I guess that, if timer is running, you will get a lot of updates. Maybe not every millisecond, but very often. 

So most probably it's not wise to sync timer value between openHAB and IHC. If you just want to change the timer value from openHAB to IHC, you could make it write only (>). If you want to know when timer is expired (counted to 0), your most probably should change the IHC code so that when timer is expired some kind of flag is set, which change is then syncronized to openHAB.

Syntax explanation:

Syncronization in both directions (IHC <-> openHAB):

Number U_TimerVand   "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"   <time>  {ihc="0x1102410"}

Read only (IHC -> openHAB):

Number U_TimerVand   "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"   <time>  {ihc="<0x1102410"}

Write only (openHAB -> IHC):

Number U_TimerVand   "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"   <time>  {ihc=">0x1102410"}


Edited by Pauli Anttila
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@Pauli Anttila I think you understand my needs.

I wish to adjust IHC timer values from OpenHAB.

Regarding the IHC "Timer" tag, it represents the actual value counting up / counting down when the timer is activated. It generates a lot of updates when an OpenHAB item is bound to the tag, and I'm sure that you are right, when telling it's not wise to do so. And either, it is not my need.

That is why I am playing with the IHC "TimerTid" tag.

If I understand you correct, the only thing I have to change is to add a ">" to the item definition so its like:

Number U_TimerVand   "Timerværdi for vanding [%.0f]"   <time>  {ihc=">0x1102410"}

I will try that tonight.

Thanks a lot.

5 timer siden, Kandersen skrev:

Isn´t the item defintion suppose to be DateTime ??

Not according to the documentation, if I understand it correct, please have a look on my second post.

BR Ole

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@Pauli Anttila Have just modified my item definition according to your explanasion, and now it Works like a charm. Thank you.

@EjvindHald I will try. With some OpenHAB rules, I try to determine the daily garden-watering needs, based on humidity, clouds, wind, temperature and precipitation. Depending on that, I want to adjust the timer value on my "IHC garden watering function block". And I think I have succeeded to do that now. My plan B was to modify the "IHC garden watering function block" with several inputs, triggering different timers with different values. But I think adjusting the timer value from time to time is a nicer solution. Does that make sense?

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Hi @Ole Yes, it makes a lot of sense and you can utilize the full power of openHab including many devices in different technologies. But if you - like me - has a conservative approach and wan’t ihc to hold all logic you would instead feed ihc with the temp., wind and other inputs and let a fb control everything. Then openHab becomes an advanced remote control. I have learned that the 0-10 volt adapter from Zigza is quite useful when feeding ihc with analog input.

So it depends on which approach you have  :-)


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Hi @EjvindHald, I don’t think our approach is much different. It is very important to me too, to keep all major logic in the IHC controller. However, i feel comfortable in this case, letting OpenHAB hold the logic / calculate the need for garden watering. Some of the weather information is gathered from a Netatmo weather station, some from OpenWeatherMap.

Until now garden watering has been activated by pressing an IHC push button, and the watering has been going on in a static amount of time (defined timer value). Now this timer value is variable, and the IHC push button is then activated from OpenHAB.

If this logic in OpenHAB fails, the only thing happens is, that the flowers wither. ;-)

Best regards Ole.

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