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  1. Even if you could get it to open in a different browser, it wouldn't help. As far as I remember it uses ActiveX, which hasn't been available since windos 7, and even then had a lot of issues. An alternative is to use https://jemi.dk/ihc/docs/ It's unfortunately only available in Danish, but it's build and maintained by @Mikkel Skovgaard
    2 points
  2. If your controller is a Visual 3 controller, it has a reset button you can use to bring the controller out of fault mode. Beside that. A Visual 3 controller should ALWAYS run with firmware 03.03.44 or later. Otherwise you risk it entering boot loop, which you can't recover from. Have you tried to upload the program using USB? Failing to upload a large program over network, is often caused by short network outages. If your controller is a Visual 3 controller there is a risk that you have one of the controllers with an unstable network interface. If you can reproduce the problem you can get the controller replaced by calling Schneider Electric.
    1 point
  3. Hmm, ja det kan jeg da godt se. Jeg har købt en del, senest for 1½ år siden. Se om du kan få fat i Klaus. https://www.ihc-user.dk/forum/profile/193-klaus-larsen/ Klaus Larsen Zigza Ejstrupvej 20 2650 Hvidovre +45 36484838 CVR Nr.: 33799497 www.zigza.dk
    1 point
  4. Thanks @Lars1 again for your help, and thanks @Mikkel Skovgaardfor the tool! This is very helpful. The browser's translate feature translated everything to English for me (although Danish would have been fine too.)
    1 point
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