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Found 3 results

  1. Hej nogen som har en evt guide hvordan man får IHC over på Home asstiant, jeg har nul erfaring med det, og har været ved og gøre som det står skrevet, men kan ikke få det til ar virke har en home assitant inst på passperry 4 jeg har adgang til den fra pc og mobil er sikker på jeg er på samme net Ihc er kablet til router samme er rasppery 4 kan tilgå ihc fra pc så der er forbindelse det er sådan her jeg har skrevet i file editor
  2. Dear all, First of all, please forgive me for my englisch, it is not my native language as i am living in Belgium (dutch) (I hope that i put this topic in the relevant page,if not please move to the correct one (with my gratitude)) I am a long time follower, first time poster. Recently i have been again (re)active with my IHC installation as we were renovating our attic to a playroom for our 2 small children and i stumbled onto the "Home assistant" managment system. Truth be told that somewhere in 2015-2016 i lost intrest in the system as my time was limited with the birth of my eldest son and in the timeframe from then to now, i've never "touched" the system again. Now since latest month, i have been installing the HASS system and tried to intregated it with the IHC System. However after some trail and error, i (presume atleast) that settings are done correctly in both IHC & HASS system but still there is no communication between them. Following "code" has been entered in the file editor in HASS : These settings (url,account & password) are working on my local netwerk, so i presume that these are correct ? However, in the HASS system following notifications are displayed : So, what i've tried so far (please keep in mind that i am using Google to translate the topics on this forum) : IHC : * Update firmware from 2.7.135 to 2.7.148 * Update firmware from 2.7.148 to 2.7.220 This gave me the following "extra" option : But the results are the same. Now, because i am not 100% would someone please confirm that following "statements" are correct (as i am using Google to translate relevant forum pages) : IHC 6.1 - 2.7.220 is usable with Hass ? IHC 6.1 - 2.7.220 is not usable with IHC remote in 2023 ? (Apparently now we need a minimal a IHC 6.2 - 2.8.2) Firmware 2.8.2 is not supported by SE on HW 6.1 , hence the reason we can't flash it, with the exception with the older 1.3.3 firmwareloader ? Firmware 2.8.2 will work then on HW 6.1 ? Then secondly, as i am in doubt that my hardware (ihc controller)is outdated, i would like to purchase a visual controller 3 but i've got no luck to source one. Both SE Belgium or LK Denmark do not have any stock, nor do i find a company that is willing to send one over to Belgium. Does someone know of any website that is willing to send a unit over to Belgium ? So, should someone take time to read my tale and would be willing to reply, i would greatly appreciate it !! Many thanks Best regards, Andy
  3. Hej Er der en der ved hvordan man aktivere et pir input fra Home assistent jeg har prøvet binery sensor / state on, men det bliver ikke sendt videre eller opfattet af ihc? nogen der har en ide eller har det til at virke
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