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Alt der er opslået af rahbek

  1. Okay, it seems that everything is working now (and basically has been the entire time). What caused my problems seems to be that I was using Notepad++ to edit the files. There is a bug that has to do with file encoding. To sum up, using OpenHAB Designer instead of Notepad++ works, but files that have previously been through Notepad++ continues to behave erratically for me. Regarding my initial question about resource ids, the source of my confusion was that the examples I had seen all had longer ids than what I saw in my own .vis-file. I suppose they are shorter because I used a simple test file with few elements. Combined with the situation where nothing works, I jumped to the conclusion that they were at fault.
  2. Can anyone tell me where exactly to find the ressource id's needed for the OpenHAB bindings? I have downloaded the project file (.vis) with IHC Visual and saved the file locally. When I open the file with a text editor, it is clearly an xml-file containing information about the current setup, and it makes many notions of ressource id's, but they all seem to be several digits shorter than the ones mentioned in the documentation, and none of them seem to work when i use them in OpenHAB. From the documentation: Switch Light_Kitchen {ihc="9953290"}...Number Temperature_Kitchen "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (Temperature, FF_Kitchen) { ihc="0x97E00A:60" }From my project file: <link_to_resource id="_0x8f2c" name="Følg Link" icon="_0x4a" link="_0x8e2d"/>...<scenes id="_0x4c49" name="Scenarier" scene_resource="_0x4b5e"/>...<resource_input id="_0x5c11" name="Kip" icon="_0x36" note="Tænd / Sluk (Udfyldes af installatøren)"/>Also, what exactly needs to be bound to OpenHAB? Is it inputs, eg. a 4 button wireless input, or outputs, like a dimmer og wall socket, or is it both? I have gone through alle the documentation and forum posts i can find about the topic, but it's still not completely clear to me what can and must be bound for it to work. I have attached the projet file (it's a very simple setup with one 4 button wireless input, one wall socket and one dimmer), if it is of any help. openhab.vis
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