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Indlæg skrevet af dimka

  1. Congrats man !

    I have been using OpenHAB with IHC for past 7 years :-) And depends on how strict your underlining OS and application - you might need to upgrade to newer FW since 2.7 FW has expired certificates and SSL connect does not accept that :-) 


    But enjoy IHC Visual ! :-D

  2. 26 minutter siden, pilfos skrev:

    Yes, please, it would be great! how do you check the FW version? 


    There is Firmware loader as part of the package - you have to connect via USB as far I remember.. Or - in IHC Visual - if you are able to connect .. or - somewhere in one of Java Tools that you can run from Controller directly

  3. 1 time siden, pilfos skrev:

    No, I didn't find the english version.. and just today arrived the "toy" :-)

    Well.. I did find old 2.7.2 English version on my disk - I can send you if you wish. In my particular case I had to upgrade to newer 2.8.x FW to get trusted certificates and now it seems that FW does not wish to talk to 2.7 App.. With Danish 2.8 app it talks and pulls project from controller.


    Also - was trying to have a help from support chat at lk.dk. Absolutely useless - he has no clue on what am I asking and the only answer - look yourself of ask El installer.

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